
Showing posts from May, 2023


I was absent in class today.


I did make up work and extra credit activities. Today I learned that procrastination will lead you no where in life. I could have made a better grade in class but I decided to wait to the last minute to do everything I needed to do. I could’ve payed more attention in class and turned in everything I needed to turn in , it’s not like it was a hard class either. Next year will be a better me though. Im focusing on graduating and nothing else .

Write about what you planned to do

After I graduate high school I planned to go into the military and go into the nursing program. Obviously my plans have changed but it hasn’t changed drastically. I’m not going into the military no more. I want to go to college at NCAT. I want experience adult life with little pressure to be someone. I want explore and find what I’m good at in college

Write about having no fun at all

 I have no fun at all because I always busy . I’m either at school, at work, or at home sleep. I don’t be having time to do anything fun. Even on my off days I don’t do anything because I’m to tired to do anywhere.

Write a thank you letter

 Mom, thank you for giving me life and putting me on this earth with the help of god. Thank you for being my rock when ever I needed you. Thank you for being my shoulder to cry on when I had my bad days. Thank you for being someone I could always talk to about anything. Thank you for being my best friend mom. 

Write about something that’s was too small or too big

I feel like my 15 birthday party was too big . I just wanted to be alone and everybody was in my face trying to cheer me up . it was my first birthday without my mom . I appreciate the empathy and support but I really did just something little with a few friends and family.

Write about a secrete being revealed.

 I remember when I was in 5th grade and liked this boy and told my friends about him. At lunch he came up to me and told me he didn’t like me and I was so embarrassed. I went back to the classroom and cried. I already knew who had told him because they were the only people I told. I confronted them and they told me everything. After that day I never talked to them again .

Write an apology.

 Dear Mr.Spears,    I apologize for the actions and words said towards you and you faculty’s staff. I understand that you and every teacher here are just doing their jobs but other students may not. I apologize for the profanity and disrespect towards you guys, I just feel as if students would just come in listen for the lesson, do their work and then socialize , life would be very much easier. But not all students are like that . I’m speaking for the ones who come to school and do what they have to do . We appreciate everything you all do for us 

Write about what you used to know how to do.

 I used to know how to do flips and jumps . I stopped because I cracked my knee and never got it fixed properly. I used to know how to do it all, backflips , toe touches, hand springs.. etc. and then it all stopped when I listened to my little brother and rode my bike down my neighbors back yard not knowing that her gate was closed because it’s usually open. 

Write about a time you knew you were in trouble.

 I knew I was in trouble when i came home and all my things were emptied out on my bed, I’m talking dresser, closet, shoes rack tv stand all laid out on my bed. I mean I already knew that I was in trouble from before because I was caught in a lie but I wasn’t expecting the consequences that soon. I started to try to hide things I felt like she was going to take but she’s not stupid and already had took everything. I knew I got caught in the lie and was thinking about it all day until I got home.

Write about what you have too much of.

 I have to much respect for people that don’t show me that same respect . I have too much of an open heart and mind because i give people chance after chance and every time I left them walk all over me . I’m too quick to forgive and forget. I just have too much of a big heart which makes me gullible.


 We took our finals in class today, I made at 86 . im grateful that our finals wasn’t no hour long text . but I made it by the tip of my toes . I learned today to not let your past mistakes hold you down , learn from them and keep moving forward. I say this because I have an ex in the 3rd period class and he keep saying he want to be with me again and I was thinking about it . I came to the conclusion that I’m just going to leave that relationship in 2020 like a lot of other stuff I left .


 I helped a friend get through a tough situation in class today. I learned that family means nothing if they treat you like garbage. I hated seeing my friend cry today. We sat in the back room and talked until class ended . Im glad she’s okay now . 

Write about something you dont exactly remember.

 Something I dont exactly remember are moments from my childhood. I mean yeah that happens to everyone as time goes by but I really dont remember nothing from when I was a kid. I get a few memory flashbacks when I recognize a smell or taste or sound but other than that , nada. i can remember faces though. If I dont remember you name im going to remember seeing your face. 


 I was absent in class today.

Write about somthing you cant deny.

I can’t deny the fact that I’m a women. I have all the parts and genetics to prove it all day. Even if I wanted to change the structure of my body I still wouldn’t be able to deny the fact that I was born in a woman’s body. Not saying that nobody can transform their body and mindset but science is science. 

Write about something/someone being born.

We have recently welcomed baby Nori into the family this February. He's my baby cousin. i was there for the full birth, i saw things i never want to see again. he was so little this with his little chubby feet and hands. i was crying for a good minute or two. i got to be the first one to hold him after his mother of course. i love his fat cheeks so much. 

Write about a time when you'd dressed inappropriately for the occasion.

 A time i dressed inappropriately is when my cousin told me we were going to a casual party and it turned out to be a barbecue. i wore a cute little dressy blouse and some jeans and little cute heels. everybody else had on shorts , tee shirts, sundresses and bikinis. i felt so out of place and over dressed so i sat in the car most of the time.